772-204-5865 info@onguardgate.com



ViolationMagix is a breakthrough in managing a communities violations.  Managing resident violations, fairly, efficiently and very affordably.

A major amount of time using a manual violations management system caused us to write ViolationsMagix.

Now entering and sending letters to rule violators is a breeze.  No more duplication of effort and cust and past letters.  The Violations Commitee, Directors and Property Manager know the status of all violations at the click of a mouse.

It has been estimated that communities can save up to 75% of the time presently spent on maintaining a manual system.

ViolationMagix may require FileMaker at an additional cost.

Available as an internet Cloud Server version for $34.95 per month or the stand-alone version at $495.00.   The module is included with On-Guard Level 100i.

Visit https://violationmagix.com for further details.