772-204-5865 info@onguardgate.com

Custom Community Website

On-Time Cost is $795.00 includes the custom domain name and 1st year web hosting.

We are offering a full blown – 15 page, totally customizable, easy to maintain website for clients of On-Guard for $795.00 that includes your custom domain name and the first year hosting.  Thereafter hosting is $32.00/month including software licenses.

There are many benefits to purchasing your custom resident gateway website.  First of all, it’s low cost and the On-Guard staff will support your your website maintenance person.  Second, it is attractive and fact filled leaving a good impression on your residents.  Third, it contains a log in gateway with relevant information helping them to successfully log in to On-Guard.  Fourth, the website contains a tutorial to assist your residents with tutorials in familiarization, a login tutorial, and a tutorial for setting up an IOS Apple device.

Be sure to visit the hoasdwiz.com example website.