772-204-5865 info@onguardgate.com


Accessibility Visual Graphic



We are embarking on a audit and redesign of the website to embrace the Accessibility standards as outlined in the Americans Disability Act – Section 508 and the WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Compliance standards. As such, as a first step we have installed a comprehensive screen reader for the visually impaired, that provides the ability for the user to adjust the font size, change to a dyslexic font, provide a skip-ahead facility, and also provide for 3 high contrast settings. Full support for access keys is available, so that users can control reading using their keyboard following the WCAG specification.The comprehensive screen reader that appears on each page of the website provides a series of icons that provide various forms of assistance to viewers who are visually impaired.  The icons appear as in this example below:


Screen Reader Icons Graphic



On the bottom of each web page you will find the above control panel.  Each box has a “tool tip” designed to provide you with a hint as to the functionality of each button within the control panel.  Starting from the left you will find a Volume Control, a Play button, a Pause button, and a stop button for the Audio Screen Reader.  The next 4 buttons will provide you with the ability to make the font larger, make the font smaller, revert the font, and change the font to a dyslexic font.  The next icon will provide a Skip-Ahead function.  The last three icons provide you with 3 types of contrasting  controls to make viewing easier.